Everyone has some quality you can admire
them for.Find it, and be generous in your applause.
God's love is the answer to all the world's problem.
Lord help me to admit when I am wrong, and
make me easier to live with when I am right.
If everyone took five minutes each day to go out of their way to make someone else's life a little better,think how much better this world would be !
Keep from getting knocked out in the boxing match of life by learning to roll with the punches.
Love is a language that every heart can understand.
Avoid self-imposed pressure by
avoiding unrealistic deadlines and unattainable goals.
Avoid self-imposed pressure by
avoiding unrealistic deadlines and unattainable goals.
No problem is too big or too small to take to God in prayer.
Life is bigger than its problem.
Accept what u can; forgive what u can't; what u don't have to.
Unconditional love is the greatest gift anyone can give or receive.
No sacrifice is unseen or forgotten by God.One day, all will be repaid.
Failure cannot defeat the man who will try again.
If love makes life worth living, children give us something to live for.
One secret to victory is the Never twins-Nevergiveup and Nevergivein.
Friendship isn't about getting; it's about giving.
Gloom and happiness are both contagious.Which are u spreading?
Is your day dark and dreary? Brighten someone else's-then bask in the afterglow.
If u have God, u always have company and
Before I judge someone, let me walk a mile in their shoes.
Call for help while there's still hope-and with God there's always hope.
Afine marriage is like a fine wine. It improves with age.